Coaching SuperVision Core Tasks:

  • Assuring professionalism, integrity and ethical practice of the supervisee.
  • The personal and professional learning and development of the supervisee.
  • The rest, refueling and restoration of the supervisee.
  • Celebrating and honoring the work of the supervisee.
Source: Passmore, Jonathan (2011-08-15). Supervision in Coaching: Supervision, Ethics and Continuous Professional Development (p. 102). 

Coachee SuperVision Expectations

  • Bring real problems, questions and issues and be prepared for supervision.
  • Be willing to share openly your experiences, mistakes, hopes and fears that arise from the process of coaching.
  • Recognize that attention is given to the process, feelings and relationships as well as the content.
  • Provide open and timely feedback to your supervisor at any time.
  • Keep notes of your supervisory sessions according to your own needs.

Coach SuperVision Expectations:

  • Manage the process, which means establishing the format and timing.
  • Provide a safe space for reflection.
  • Ask for your feedback regularly.
  • Treat all interactions with the utmost confidentiality.

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