I Catch a Glimpse – A New Lens!

There are a multitude of ways to perceive the world, using our eyes, our ears, our senses. Through various lenses, perspectives. We each process the world differently, in a continuous spectrum of shades that change over time. The pragmatic lens....

byLucy Shenouda

I Catch a Glimpse – My Livelihood!

Livelihood. Today’s word is inspired by the picture in this post. I imagined a young man or woman using the bicycle as a means to their livelihood, their life. I see four words. Live, Lively, Hood, and Livelihood. Multiple meanings...

byLucy Shenouda

I Catch a Glimpse – It’s Elusive!

Ever since the 23rd of March 2020, I catch a glimpse through a word. Just One Word. It carries me through the day. This word comes from thoughtful reflection in solitude or shared in conversation. This daily practice helps me...

byLucy Shenouda