Sweet Sixteen
We notice leaders and organizations on the edge of change are acting like teenagers! Delightfully rebellious and disruptive one moment, as they separate from an old culture to create and connect to a new way of being. Demurely lost and...
Here Be Dragons
Turbulence, a state of confusion and disorganized change, has from my vantage in the eye of the storm, set off reactivity in the atmospheric system. I notice that in all three recent cases the reactivity started with a tendency towards...
Dancing on the Edge
As I begin a journey of a thousand miles, I have mixed feelings: excitement and elation, terror and fear. I feel as though there are ten-thousand miles to go. Yet, I have begun. I’ve taken a step forward, small and...
At the Edge of Change
The world is brought to an edge when there are clashes between worldviews. Industry comes to an edge with the booms and busts of volatile markets. Organizations are called to an edge when they shift from an old identity to...