Navigating Uncharted Waters

As professional coaches, we have the privilege to support leaders and teams to navigate uncharted waters. Often, our inquiry reveals concerns such as team members operating more as a group of individuals, than as an intact and aligned team. The question that follows is: ” What can we add to make things better, to move in the right direction? “

Is it about adding more? Can we make things better? How do we know the right direction?

Coaching senior leaders, we have noticed the tendency to seek more knowledge, expand skills and train new ways of working as a default way to increasing effectiveness.

It is a fact that leaders transitioning into a new role are pressured to deliver quickly. And so, high expectations ensue to strengthen their strategic business impact and mobilize their people. Too often, they may find themselves carrying a load of leadership all on themselves. However, reacting to this pressure reduces effectiveness, casting a shadow on a promising start to a new role.

Above all, the journey toward leadership effectiveness is more than adding to the toolbox. It is the inner work, the shifts that happen within us that shape future leadership. Self-leadership through the process of inner work unshackles people from ineffectual past mindsets. Leaders begin to practice fresh thinking and change behaviours into consistent healthy leader habits.

Shifting Mindsets

Working with leaders to shift their mindset, thinking patterns, and behaviours can yield surprising results. Unlock limiting mindsets such as perfectionism, judgment, and shame. Shift behaviour from a propensity to protect, control, and comply to a higher level of sense making.

Effective leaders relinquish assumptions and adopt astute ways of being. This conscious effort creates a space for creativity and resourcefulness while cultivating the courage to change. At a senior level, conscious leadership requires focusing on the inner work that leads to shifting ineffectual mindsets, thinking patterns and behaviours. 

Altogether, when organizations approach us to work on leader and team effectiveness, the question we ask is not about adding more. Rather, we ask what inner shifts are imperative to enhancing effectiveness and impact? All things considered, our approach is to foster real conversations and core learning. We aim to clarify, co-create, connect, commission in alignment across systems and stakeholders.

What have you experimented with to increase your leadership impact and your team’s effectiveness?

We help you navigate your most pressing workplace challenges and activate tangible strategies for driving value creation.

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